Couple Records
Type Date Score Event Event category Discipline Level
Total 02.09.2023 98.94 ISU JGP Cup of Austria 2023 Junior Ice Dance Ice Dance Junior
RD 01.03.2024 47.26 ISU World Junior Championships 2024 Junior Ice Dance Ice Dance Junior
RD Technical 01.03.2024 27.84 ISU World Junior Championships 2024 Junior Ice Dance Ice Dance Junior
RD Component 01.03.2024 19.42 ISU World Junior Championships 2024 Junior Ice Dance Ice Dance Junior
FD 02.09.2023 57.95 ISU JGP Cup of Austria 2023 Junior Ice Dance Ice Dance Junior
FD Technical 02.09.2023 32.01 ISU JGP Cup of Austria 2023 Junior Ice Dance Ice Dance Junior
FD Component 02.09.2023 26.94 ISU JGP Cup of Austria 2023 Junior Ice Dance Ice Dance Junior
H - Historic record achieved before 2018/2019 season
h - Historic record achieved before 2010/2011 season
26/07/2024 09:00:14 UTC