Date of birth: 19.04.2009
Gabriella GRINBERG
Place of birth: Moscow RUS
Height: 155 cm
Home town: Moscow RUS
Profession: junior high school student 
Hobbies: drawing 
Start sk. / Club: 2014 / Ice Holon
Internet / Social Media contact:  
Coach: Alexei Motorin
Music Short Program as of season 2023/2024
Jungle by Emma Louise
Music Free Skating / Free Dance as of season 2023/2024
Irna (Cirque du Soleil)
Valsapena (Cirque du Soleil)
Personal Best Total Score 124.80 16.09.2023 ISU JGP Osaka 2023
Personal Best Score Short Program 51.19 15.09.2023 ISU JGP Osaka 2023
Personal Best Score Free Skating 80.01 01.09.2023 ISU JGP Cup of Austria 2023
17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25
Olympic Games                
World Championship                
European Championship                
Four Continents                
World Juniors           25     
National Championship                
S=Senior; J=Junior; N=Novice
International Competition Year Place International Competition Year Place
ISU JGP Czech Skate 2022, Ostrava 2022 18.J ISU JGP Cup of Austria 2023, Linz 2023 20.J
Bavarian Open 2023, Oberstdorf 2023 3.J ISU JGP Osaka 2023, Osaka 2023 17.J
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26/07/2024 09:00:14 UTC